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Happy Imbolc or Brigids day

Yesterday, after picking up the kids, I got this feeling that nature is starting to wake up. The light was gorgeous, the air so smooth, and I could really feel a different energy in the air. The birds are definitely out and about, and it truly feels like we’re starting to come out on the other side of winter.

What is imbolc or Brigids day?

This is all new for me too, but I am feeling the connection with it all.

"The celebration of Imbolc originates from the Celts. Imbolc symbolizes the halfway point between the winter solstice (Yule) and the spring equinox (Ostara).

The word "imbolc" means "in the belly of the Mother," because the seeds of spring are beginning to stir in the belly of Mother Earth.

This holiday also celebrates Brigid, the Celtic fire and fertility goddess. Over the years, Brigid was adopted by Christianity as St. Brigid. Brigid (or Bridget) is the patron saint of Irish nuns, newborns, midwives, dairy maids and cattle. The stories of St. Brigid and the goddess Brigid are very similar. Both are associated with milk, fire, the home, and babies."

This is my first attempt of Brigid's cross, and very happy with the result, in portuguese we have a saying "who doesn't have a cat hunts with a hare", I didn't have the rushes or the reeds but yesterday saw someone that done it with straws and loved the idea.


Ânia 🤗🧡

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