Jul 12, 2022B.R.A.I.N.B.R.A.I.N. Guide to help you making an informed decision about an intervention.
Jul 5, 2022I reborn and I become a mother5 years ago I reborn and I become a mother. I know now were acts of obstetric violence
Feb 2, 2022By Ina May Gaskin“It is important to keep in mind that our bodies must work pretty well, or their wouldn't be so many humans on the planet.“
Jan 2, 2022Eating and Drinking during labour (Part 2) Some say that labour is like a marathon, in reality the body goes through an incredible physical process, so it makes sense that you it need
Dec 31, 2021Eating and Drinking during labour (part 1) But where comes the idea that you cannot eat during labour?
Dec 18, 2021Are Doulas basically the same as midwives?Are Doulas basically the same as midwives? No! Each of them have a very different role when supporting people through pregnancy, birth and