Hello everyone,
Welcome to my brand new website.
In this wee space, I will be sharing some thoughts or information about different topics from Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum and Parenting and anything else that I feel that would be relevant. Note that this is only for general information purposes only.
I am based in Belfast, Northern Ireland however I also support people in Portugal (or any other part of the world) via online, that's some of the content could be relevant to UK or Portugal, but the majority is universal information and always based in scientific evidence based.
I speak English, Portuguese or Spanish so I can always support you in any of these languages, so you can feel the most comfortable as possible.
I hope you enjoy this space and feel free to share this with parents to be or parents that already started their journeys.
#doulaportuguesa #AniaFreitasDoula #doulabelfast #doulasni #doulamadeira #positivebirth #positivepregnancy #doulauk #doulaportugal #DigitalDoula #parentalidade #parenting #Respectedbirth #partorespeitado #informedconsent #consentimentoinformado #againstofobstetricviolence #contraviolenciaobstetrica #belfast #NI #northernireland #respectedchoices # breastfeeding #birthchoices #doulalife #vidadedoula #birthchoicesmatter #doulablog